After being without my car for over a year - which was re-possessed for non-payment and really tired of standing at the bus stations, not to mention the rush hour bumpy rides in the BEST transport of Mumbai.
I finally decided to buy a Bajaj Pulsar - also there was this offer from a lot of banks on 2 wheeler loans. Having made up my mind - I headed straight to a sub-distributor, saw the bike and fell in love.
At my age: 30+ you need something like this to really pump the adrenalin levels. I would caution the buyers to really visit at least 4-5 distributors and sub distributors if you really want a good deal. TIP: Start discussing the price, and ask for On Road cost that includes Octroi [if applicable], Taxes, Insurance [ask for the additional coverage for the pillion rider] RTO Charges and if you are getting a loan then also ask for any hidden charges towards leasing agreement etc.
Mine costed me 9500 down payment and 1777 per month with some 350 as some banking charges.
I took my loan from the HDFC bank - had a little tough time getting the whole deal finalized.
The guy who was handling loans was a total novice - didnt have the authorized dealers list on him, and the ones he knew were not competitive.
Finally, I looked for a sub-distributors who accepted payment in favour of an authorized distributor and delivered the vehicle to me on time as promised. BTW, they are Jayna Auto at Kandivali W - Mumbai.
They are really worth mentioning bcoz they kept all their promises towards the delivery and registration.
Coming to the bike - Its a nice ride, except that its seats are made for the lady riders!
By that I mean that when you stop suddenly the whole body weight comes onto your valuable assets and is particularly painful from someone like me who weighs about 115 kgs.
I chose the electric start model and not really so happy with its performance - I got it tweaked at the time of the first service - but it is still not upto the mark as compared to Honda Unicorn etc [which has a 6 months delivery date].
The mag wheels really make the bike stand from the rest and the new shock absorbers are quite good.
I havent really clocked the mileage, but I have hearing that it does give a reasonable 55kmpl.
I hope that this review will help...........