<P>Being a motorist for the past 10 years, I bought a new Pulsar 150 some 7 months back. Many advised not to go for Pulsar, but eventhough due to its style and big appearance I bluntly opted it ! </p>
<P>Their default carberruter setting gives 50-55 kms/litre and very limited pick up which is not sufficent for normal riding. If we give xtra throttle, also the performance is not as good. Comparing with other 100CCs its pick up is quiet low.</P>
<P>It has got good riding comfort and safety (with xcellent front and rear braking system). It got a very rough cluth where u have to give xtra pressure to your fingers. (Your fingers will get tired in a traffic area)</P>
<P>The worst of all is the service station, where we dont get proper care, may be due to poor management or technical knowledge - I dont know. For a particular problem I have visited more than12 times and still now the problem is not rectified and finally I have decided to go for private service (I have completed only 2 free services !!!)</P>
<P>My overall satisfaction is 40 %. My advice is have a completle ride/testing before u purchase any vechicle.</P>