Here comes the bike that delivers the ultimate power that u always wanted and the mileage that your dad always needed ...... and whats more the definitely male slogan is so correct. im talkin bout the 150 version
A well , 143 cc and 12 bhp ....... that gets the adrenaline pumping right away ...... and the smooth sound is music to the ears .....
B a mileage of 55-60 is quite remarkable for the power that it delivers ..... but then im not compainin ... !!!
C this is either for tall people or well built ones .... if you are thin are gonna look like a mast on a ship .... so keep that in mind.
D many told me it s one heavy baby , but its weight is totally handleable and whats more , u can bend it like beckham too ... !!
E this is the first of the bajaj bikes thats got looks and performance other than calibur.
F if you are going on a long ride this is the one for u .... the journey will be comfy irrespective of the length. we went to nandi hills on it and the pulsers (3 out of 5 bikes ) were the best performers.
G also this bike provides for the maximum modifications and stickering, but it does reduce the mileage.
H now about the colours all the coluurs it comes in, look good on it but black provides it the sexy classic class that it so deserves .....
I the disc brakes make sure u don kiss the vehicle ahead of u
Jsmooth gear shifting makes each ride a pleasure
1. now, one thing bout this is thaat least initially the bike peaks v fast in each gear .... its like ull reach 5th gear in about 45 k/h speed .....
2. the speed range per gear is v less. im sayin this after ridin 5 bikes excluding my own.
so if ur gonna go fer a bike ...u know what to go fer ........ so get it , rev up an cruise along.