Hmmmmmmm, wanting to write about pulsar seems a tough task, and why should it not be. You get bikes which are good to look but an absolute bore to drive on the other hand there are better riding bikes than pulsar but I would not give two penny for its looks. So if you are after a bike which has got the best of both worlds I think Pulsar is the bike to buy. Where else will you get a bike which is so stunning to look at drives with ease at 100 kmph, in fact as soon as I had bought this bike I went on a long trip driving around 600 km in three days ride was comfortable but for the pillion rider where because of the narrow seats it was a somewhat painful On the other hand if you are looking for performance and that alone is your criteria for buying a bike I think you have a number of options in front of you namely, Honda Unicorn and Hero Honda CBZ, both have got a much faster pickup. In fact Hero Hondas Ambition instant pick up is better than Pulsars