I purchased this bike two years back. This is my first bike so I waited for two years before writing any review.
Ok I recommend bajaj pulsure DTSi as I used it without any problem. This is amazing bike but a bit heavy in weight. Initially the model I have is having thinner tires at back and front, which caused two time accident to me. But after carefully reviewing the bike a mechanic suggested me to change the back tires with broad one and that worked. it balanced the bike weight so it was then more comfortable in handling. I came to know and also test ride new model of Pulser now which is by default now comes with broader back tires by Bajaj. This shows they are listening and testing the things. For casual, long or day to day use I recommend this bike. The powerful Digital twin spark plug (DTSi) technology allowing me to start the engine with auto start even in winter. In last two years I have hardly used kick to start the bike. This is far more advance and trend setter bike which flooded many of 150cc bikes afterwards by many companies including recent Honda unicorn.
Since I am non technical I am not going in to mechanical review of bike but sharing my experience as a non technical rider of the bike.