No words guys, CBZ is the best bike in the country, pulsars n unicorns are just a mere spectators, always go for CBZ until its production ends. I own it n fully satisfied, from past 6 years its always been ahead of any bike. ppls still comes and ask me about it. its still the center of attraction whenever I m in a public place. the sudden surge of acceleration it provides is breathtaking. I dont know y some guys go for these low quality pulsars and unicorns. they sucks n I mean it. if these guys r looking for average than they can buy boxer AT or hero honda joy. even girls are more attacted towards CBZ guys n thats with a proof.
Only thing is discouraging that the company(hero honda) have done little to enhance CBZ image compared to pulsars. theres no modifications in the bike in terms of looks and engine. the company also does little to promote it(i dont remember when was the last time I saw a CBZ adv).
Its only upon us who r the avid n die hard lovers of CBZ, carries the legacy of the legend