Well, I will try to be as much informative as much I can...Though I wont tell you the technical specifications of this machine as you people can check it out at bajajauto.com..I will let you know about my experience with this machine.... After my college days, I wish to own a bike which is both powerful and fuel-effective..So many bikes came in the market boasting of 100 km/Litre like Tvs Centra 1 BAR BHARO MAHINE BHAR CHALO. But everything was just fake and didnt contain even 50% truth..I thought about CBZ But It wasnt fuel-efficient...then Libero of yamaha motors came..but I didnt like its design Then the machine I was waiting for such a long time was launched by the Bajaj Auto Ltd..& I fell in love with it in the very first glance.... It was definitely male...Its design is ultimate and the engine roars to set the roads on fire....It is quite fuel efficient though it doesnt compromise in power....To me the pros of this bike are:
Robust design, Awesome look, Impressive fuel tank, Nice Headlight, Well placed Cylincer..I always want the cylincer at this place because I have seen so many bikes getting stopped during rainy season... The One and only Con about this fabulous bike is the shockers...They could have been
better..but they are not bad though...
In the long term this bike sucks. I had bought this machine as I didnt have much options then. I had this bike for 3 years but I started to face numerous problems even after 1 year. Handling got bad, startup coil got fused 3 times (its an expensive part), mileage dropped instantly, engine noise increased, startup problems. I tried to get all this fix but even the bajaj guys couldnt help me out. Then I decided to sell this bike. Now I own HH Hunk which has been a great machine till date. I will write one review on that as well soon.