It was so greatfull to having a bike like this . This is the one of the greatest bike of bajab pulsar series . The pick up was awsomee and the stoke of this bikee was awfull . This is one of the top sports bike of india after ktm amd ninja . The price of pulas is so less than any other sport bike in the world . Tis bike have the same features like ktm and duke series but it was cheap then thise bikes . The mantence charge of this bike was also low as compated to ktm . The seat of this bike was so comfartable as compare to any other sport bikee the hiegt of this bike is also good and more then ktm . The new exaushast of this bikee was awsome . If I prefer someone to purschase a sport bike so I prefer pulsur rs 200 . The love of my life ? . This bike comes the under the top sports bike of indiaa ever .