Hi guys, It is almost 6 months since I bought a red pulsar rs 200.It still making my crazy with its performance.Any one who want to value your penny have to buy this.It gives you a feeling of riding bike in race.It might just be good enough for college students, youth.It will make the brand value of pulsar better than now.That typical Pulsar buyer today is more mature, more discerning and completely spoilt for choice. What he wants today is a new age Pulsar. And this is what Bajaj has come up with - the Pulsar RS200, and it claims to be the fastest Pulsar yet!
Whats new though is the multi piece faring; it is designed to ease serviceability and lower parts replacement costs in case of a crash. The mean looking projector head lamps as well as those oddly placed and shaped rear LED tail lamps are exclusive to the RS200 as well. The side and tail panels are new(the latter also houses neatly designed grab handles), and the RS finally gets an exhaust that one can see. Overall, the RS200 is a busy design; theres just too much happening here to actually call it pretty. But, it will draw glances, thats for sure, even though not all may be appreciative.