I bought a Bajaj Super FE in 1993 for about Rs 20, 000. When the scooter was delivered, I thought it sounded a little rough, but since it was new, I didnt give it much heed. However, my mechanic told me that the vehicle probably had a defective oilseal and that it wouldnt give optimal performance unless the oilseal was changed. Luckily, the company service people agreed to replace the oilseal for free, and then the scooter showed its true colours. I got mileages of 60 to 65 kmpl, and driving that peppy two wheeler in heavy traffic has its own pleasures. I still use the scooter, and am more than satisfied with it. I still get mileages of 50 kmpl or more (carburettor needs work), but what really delights me is the absolutely rock-bottom maintenance cost. My motorcycle owning friends scoff and call me old fashioned, but I have the last laugh when I see them shelling out heavenly amounts for parts that I buy dirt cheap.
And then theres the undeniable advantage of the spare wheel. Many are the times when that spare wheel has bailed me out of situations that would have left me in dire straits had I been driving a motorcyle. In fact, theres only one drawback about this little beauty, and thats a decided lack of driving comfort. I suppose Bajaj designed this vehicle for short jaunts (home to office and so forth), so a long run (40 km or more) can be a literal pain in the butt. LML scooters were different; they were so well designed and so stable that long drives with the clock showing 80 kmph or more didnt tire you at all.
However, they were serious fuel guzzlers. Another great thing about my Bajaj Super FE is the headlight. Its bright and steady and lights up the road. I dont think Ill ever get rid of my FE. Make no mistake, it really is a gem.