I think if you want to buy a bike, my suggestion is only and only BAJAJ V. This bike published on date 2-1-2016. Its price is 62, 000. Inwhich we get 150cc engen.
I have a Bajaj V bike which I got approximate 8 month before. I love this bike because all the function like comfort, millage style etc all are perfect.
When I ride this bike I feel a LION type, a roadking, a gang memebers. I love this sound like a voice of Lion.
I S Vikrant, in a metal body.
Thank you The BAJAJ Company . You saved a history. And again thank you, to make a Lion type bike.
Its millage are too good above then 53 Km/L.
I think this millage are enough to this bike, because its engen are also powerful ( 150cc) . And its style ( what I say ) too too assume.