The Bajaj V15 is the most recent 150cc worker cruiser from Bajaj Auto. A praise to legacy and history, the V15 gets metal from the scrapped plane carrying warship INS Vikrant. As it were, that in itself is the USP of this bicycle, named after Indias first plane carrying warship - and promoted as an intense as nails, striking, strong new worker bike.
Its likewise a striking new endeavor by Bajaj to support its fortunes in the 150cc suburbanite bike space. Without a doubt, the Pulsar 150 has dependably been the ruler of the 150cc fragment, yet different endeavors by Bajaj to get a cut of the worker riding masses have not met with much achievement - like the Discover 150 arrangement. The V15 will straddle that space - blast amidst the Discover and the Pulsar arrangement. In this way, it tries not to be an unremarkable person worker, yet doesnt try to be an energetic 150cc either.