Hi All
My Experience with WAVE was very BAD, as it dont have the Show of Reserve sign of FUEL will give u approximate position of fuel in TANK, I suffer this when I Take this Vehicle to some distance I saw the indicator shows the fuel is still not in reserve sign and soon WAVE has stopped and I kicked it, press button as indicator shows the fuel status Positive finally I drag this to petrol pump and filled the fuel and vehicle start normally This was really a BAD Exp.
My WAVE is also having some time Starting Problem we told dealer this, the dealer checked it and told battery is not in good condition and need to be change we told them then CHANGE this as it has WARRENTY he give as excuse and told us to go to Battery Dealer office which is around 30 KM form the Dealer Shop, I told him we purchased the vehicle from you and now u have to replace damaged Battery, he give us very bad reply AND
NOW I Just Request to ALL the Reader Please Dont Even Think ABOUT W A V E as this is just start in future which problem will arise GOD Knows