Few days back, say a month before or so; I happened to visit one of the Bajaj showrooms for the test ride of Wave. The looks are cool. But the only thing that I did not like about the Scooter is the Silencer. Its round shape doese not go with the slick design of scooter. What shall I say about engine, it DTS-i , and there are lots of reviews on that . However I would just like to say it sounds good. The acceletation is nice. About the milage - no comments. What I like the most about the scooter is the suspenssion. It is really good. My observations are based on a test ride which was just 1 KM. Since I did not find any reviews on Wave I thought to write one. However my views are based on a very small test ride. Would like to request more rewies as I am interested in getting one but not able to decide yet. One strange thing I came across as I was not able to see the produt listing of Wave on Bajaj site(???).