First I took a test ride of Bajaj Wave, without an intention to buy it. I was amazed with the unexpected driving experience. [This was at Surjeet Bajaj, Raisen Road, Bhopal in September 2005]
Then I tested Scooty ES and Scooty Pep, but the driving experience was not good. Also I observed that these 2 are not much durable. Then I tried Kinetic Honda and Nova. Nova was really good, but too costly for that performance. KH was similar to TVS Scooty. For Honda Activa, I was told to wait for at least 15 days.
I again returned to Bajaj showroom and again took the test ride to confirm my experience. I keenly observed all the controls, their durability etc. and compared the specifications with the others vehicles I just tested. I asked for the mileage and they told for at least 50KM/L. For Scooty, Activa and Kinetic Honda, I was told "upto 40KM/L". I found every specification in Wave superior to all others, and bought it.
In the first month, as advised by the showroom people, I took care not to exceed the speed beyond 35km/h, start with the kick in the morning. But I was disappointed with the mileage, which was 25KM/L. However, I knew that for new vehicles, the fuel settings are so that they consume more fuel, and this is for the future health of engine.
In the first service I informed for the mileage, and the service personnel assured me to correct it. Since first service, I am getting mileage 55+KM/L. The only key to keep its driving in shape is to keep its clutch in good condition. The key to good engine health is avoiding over throttling immediately after you start the engine. Always be careful of using the choke. As soon as the engine gets normal, put the choke in neutralized position. These rules apply in general to any two-wheeler you buy.
I had to make one minor modification. On high speedbrakers, sometimes vehicle was hit from downwards. I took it to service station and asked to stiffen the shock absorbers a bit, where they said that the shock absorbers are ok.
I took the vehicle to a local shock absorbers repairer, and asked him to do something for the rear shock absorber. He expanded the spring for a few mm, and added an extra nut, due to which the vehicle could get more ground clearance, and since then I never faced ground hitting.
After more than 1.5 years of buying, till date, I faced only one problem. The self start started frequent missing. But that disappeared with recharge of battery.
I seldom feel that this non geared scooter has an engine of a powerful bike.
Bajaj has further enhanced the vehicle on looks and features, and introduced with a new name as Blade. Bajaj Wave is rarely available now, due to the introduction of upgraded models.
Ill recommend to buy one of them as suitable to your needs and budget, as the DTSi technology has proven to be very successful. Advantage is that you do not need to use premium petrol, and the vehicle does not make knocking sound, resulting longer engine life.