I have purchased Bajaj Wave-DTS-I 15days ago. Despite that many reviewers highlighting few problems in Wave DTS-I in various website, the only reason to but this vehicle is I had been using Bajaj Sunny for past 9 years without any problem. I had been traveling in midnights, in heavy rain and all bad weather without any problem.
Okay. About Wave DTS-I. When I was taking delivery, I was thinking that whether it will start properly in the next morning or will stop in between because I have analyzed many websites and reviews.
But it is a wonderful vehicle compare to other similar sector. It is not at all giving any problem and very smooth ridding. So easy to start if you are following the instruction given by the dealer/user manual.
Even though it is a heavier vehicle, it is easy to handle and comfortable ridding. So I recommend this for both male and female.
Dislike – nothing as of now.
Few tips
· When you are kick start the vehicle, you should be behind the vehicle and should not give accelerator.
· When you are stating the vehicle first time in the morning, leave the vehicle idle for 1 minute after starting.
· Maintain the speed of less than 40 KmPh in the first 2000 km
· Should not raise the accelerator unnecessarily
I have traveled around 200 km so far. I feel very comfortable vehicle and it is giving 48-50 per liter. But it is very preliminary stage to check mileage. I will write again after my first service.
I should mention about my dealer here. I have purchased from Jai Auto, West Mamblam, Chennai. Since I had few problems about this vehicle in mind, I get clarified every thing from their sales person as well as technical person. Also I did test ride of three different vehicles. They were very co-operative and kind when explaining all my queries.