Before I begin writing about WIND, I should tell you my Biking qualifications, I have driven my brothers Fiero (Its still good and smooth even after about 3 yrs.) I have also driven Pulsar, Victor, Splendor, Passion ..but not so much. Ok I am done with it.
Basic Reason for going for WIND:
I wanted not so much power of 150cc and not so less as 100cc so I went for 125cc bike.. And I was not so interested in Mileage only...I wanted good looks , 5 gears too.
..So, I bought Wind 125(Drum Brake, Black) about 8 months back in Pune for 47, 000 approx from Planet Bajaj.Disc brake was not availabel in Black color.I will write on its pros & cons 1-by-1 :
1) Engine, Gear System : I have driven my friends Pulsar-150(not DTSi) also. yeah, I agree on a given flat road Pulsar will leave behind Wind in max speed and Pick up but if we r talking about engine refinement, smoothness and riding pleasure, Wind is my pick.Wind is not much behind Pulsar in pick up also. Earlier I liked to be a pillion rider but on my Wind I want to take the control :-).I luv riding it so much.And Winds gear system is way much smoother than Pulsers ( and Victors , Splendours also).I also like its 1-down, 4-up approach than Pulsars 5-all up (or down) way. I have taken the bike to max speed of 90 kmph , there was no shaking, bike was smooth, stable, could not speed it more as road stretch was not so long. The engine is really silent, quick responsive and smooth while working. One of my friends having Splendour luvs riding my Wind, he is also all praises over when he drove it first.
2)Handling & braking, Suspension: Handling is too good, I used to think I am not so good driver but on my Wind I m not worried in busy traffic of Pune(hey, but u need to be careful always...).And its Drum brakes are also very good and effective(I always apply both brakes). Really never felt need for a Disc brake. Great Sitting posture, nice long soft wide seat. Suspensions are also nice and effective , give smooth ride. Good Powerful Horn.
3)Looks, Build quality, styling:I luv its looks. As per my sense of looks, I think Hoodibaba looks skinny, Pulsar looks a big muscleman popping its muscles, I dislike TVS bikes syling, LMLs r overdone, GOD knows what so good about Passion looks, ...but Wind it has got a great proportionate build, it looks so agile, athletic....if Pulsar is Arnold, WIND is Keanu Reeves :-)...just about perfect body..Build quality is nice, no probs so far.I like Winds indicator(same as Pulsar), console(includes good instrumentation.. tachometer, odometer), octoprism headlight(good overing, focussed and bright enough for night driving).
No its not that I dont wish anything more in Wind or I am not disappointed about anything.Here r cons I found in WIND:
1)Mileage:It has been around 47-52 km most of the times.I wished to get 55 minimum as I have read in MS reviews that guys do get 55+.its a bit letdown.
2)About 1 month back , 1 problem started regarding shifting down gear from 4th to 3rd , coming from higher speed to lower in traffic when fuel is will switch off , dont know y??most probably , some stupid mechanic did something stupid while servicing bcos I have not read in any MS reviews about any such problem..
Wish List:
1)Rectangular Swing Arm:Well I really dont know How it will improve WInds stability and movement when its already so good, even while cornering, but I have read that rectangular swing arm adds to a Bikes stability specially while cornering.
2)Side Stand Indicator like its in Pulsar.
3)Handle bars-looks good , may be a good protection also in case Bike falls.
4)Easy Avaliability of Disc Brake in all colors and Lesser price difference Bet Disc and Drum versions...right now its about 5k difference bet. the two...why when in case of other bikes its around 3k??
If u r very particular abour high Mileage or high Power, WIND is not the right choice...If u want something in between, u can check out WIND.
..And I rate Pulsar as More value for Money Bike than WIND.Pulsar is a great value package.
...Now I am in bangalore, left my Wind in Pune for my brother.And I am again going to buy bike in 1-2 months...Bangalore has nice long roads, It will be more fun here driving a bike like Wind.I am just waiting for 125cc Bike market to get more competitive and by that time collect some money also :-)...And Bajaj is about to launch its new 125cc Discover(earlier K-60) with DTSi engine, I m waiting for that.
....If Discover has DTSi and Looks, Build, breezing riding pleasure of Wind, it will be a great package and my choice otherwise Its again WIND Biking for me :-).
Thanx for ur Time,
Take care.
PS: Correction Oops...Earlier I wrote 1-up, 4-down gear.....sorry its 1-down, 4-up....Thanx mnc....:-)