Bought xcd125 on 26/oct/07.My byke compleated 500km and had first service before 1st service it gave me only 60km/liter, and still I have to check its mileage after service.
1.But not a suitable byke to go over 80+
2.If any body wants millage and looks can go for that but dont expect all as 125 cc bykes.
3.One more disadvantage is no bip indicator for indicators.
4.If we need to remove tool box from it we need another tool box.seet will not be opened with key.we need another swaner to remove side cover to remove seet for tool box.
5.I am satisfied with its mileage, looks, comfort.
6.Over all good byke in cytes and not sutable for long drives over 200+(not yet tryed with my byke)
7.Today I went only 25 kms in high way its max speed was only 78km beyond it its not going.