I have read a lot of reviews posted on several forums with regards to the XCD 125. While I agree with most of them, some have carried the negatives of the bike too far. I purchased my bike some 9 months back from pune.
I barely rode her for the first 3 months or so because of my exams and other unrelated events. In a nutshell, my bike has clocked some 7, 500 kms of which she did only 300 kms in the first three months. Prior to owning this bike I had the first series pulsar 180.
She was great except for the poor mileage and the gear box issues. Anyways, I studied the competition but the XCD really caught my fancy. I ride from Andheri (East)to Churchgate from Monday through Saturday. Thats roughly around 48 kms daily. I have never had the bike serviced at a Bajaj Authorised Service centre, since I rarely see them do justice to the bike.
I service her once every 1, 000 kms at a trusted mechanics. So far she gives me a constant average of 50 - 60 kms to the litre. The riding conditions in Mumbai though are really pathetic. All the traffic and potholes prevent her from giving me any of the much promised 109 km to the litre. But then again, on my ride from Mumbai to Pune and back, at an average speed of 65 - 70 she did give me an economy of 83.
The riding position of the bike is not great. I end up having a soar bumb or a back ache post 100 Kms. But the pick up on the other hand is exhilarating!! She is definately not suited / recommended for the high way. The wheels that are provided by the Company are glorified bicycle tyres!
They slip on practically everything known to man kind, which is the complete opposite of my rock solid grippers on the pulsar 180. Overall I am quite satisfied with the bike. I agree the fuel guage is a joke and is there only for ornamental value and she is rather a small bike, but for the price I purchased her for, she is an absolute gem!! Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion and this is my humble opinion.. Regards, Manan Mehta.