Almost six years ago, I had gone to buy Bajaj Discover as I wanted a light bike for individual ride. When I saw this lovely looking bike, well designed, sleek, modern and urban looks with electronic odometer etc etc. So I changed the decision and bought this bike.
It started with the engine going off for no reason, a restart would work though. Also, I never got a mileage more than 58 km/liter and that was in the beginning. Since then it got worse and worse. Now, I get 40-45km/liter or something.
Within few years:
Auto-start failed. I changed battery but it was if no use.
Im getting a weird noise from the engine, they say its a silencer issue.
Clutch-plate got changed a year ago, now they are asking to change it again.
Get starting problem in winters.
Odometer stopped working almost 2 years ago. They are asking me to get a new odometer.
I never find it a well in control bike every time I ride. Looks like it needs servicing almost every month.
As of now service guys say, sir its now an old bike, a failed model from Bajaj, instead of investing in lots of spare parts, I should exchange it this Diwali.
Conclusion: I never had a fun of a fuel efficient, new, reliable bike. Im planning to go for some Hero model now.