I am Rijo working in icici in Belgaum. I bought this bike 47 days ago.it is very smooth engine.as some onte earlier told.... my bike also starts to vibrate on reaching 40km speed but become smoother on reaching 46 km speed as speed is digitally displayed on meter.on reaching a 57km speed the total chraracter of it changes and is becoming more smoother and riding in 75km speed it is very fun to ride ike a pulsar no vibration ..............and so smoother.......good pick up at 75 km speed.......very nice overtaking in highways in higher speeds........more fun ti ride at night ....super glow of headlight beam.
the main problem I faces with this bike is that meter reading is not accurate.......one day me and my friend was going on equal speeds on highway ...........his bike(passion plus) shows 85 km speed in its meter and my bike shows only 72 km speed in its digital meter.which one is accurate reading...