BAL have given a new birth to their XCD - their only 125cc segment bike in Production.
The main Draw back for XCD was its Looks they named it as EXECUTIVE bike and the looks were more Deligate to it.
The Theme was write - but the Tyres - looks like that of Cycles and the useless Tail L.E.D Lamp which looks like a DOT and moreover the Weight of the bike - handles like driving a Moped.
So why not it will give 109KMPL !!!!!!!!!!
And also the Handle bar which gives a great distance to the FRONT FAIRING AND HANDLE.
But The NEW XCD SPRINT - with Greater looks such as
1 . MistiFying Headlight.
2 . Special Tank Extensions.
3 . Slim Back rail and Purely Different Back L.E.D Light.
4 . Nitrox Shocks and quite a Bigger one.
5 . Lowered Handle Bar like that of Bigger pulsars.
6 . Quite Bigger rear tyres than XCD it is 110.
7 . 4 Valved Engine.
8 . FRONT DISC Brakes(looks tiny)
9 . Self Start.
Back Lit Switches as the same in pulsars.
Available colours - same as pulsars RED , BLUE , BLACK.
though the colours will be plain - and not mixed.
Mileage will hit a lot then the XCD as they have increased the BHP and the tyre size and suppose the weight will also be increased with 4 valve engine in it.
Might hit around 60 - 65 KMPL.
There is no saree guard available and the Foot pegs are also screwed in an single nut.
And also - its an TOE SHIFTER.
But they could have given it an sporty look - by keeping the foor pegs of the rider a little bit in the rear side.
Everything to be different - Price Tag Will equal the tag of Discover 135.
Release date announced as August of 2008.
Bajaj has breaken their own records of Higher Mileage bikes with their XCD such as ct100 - platina - discover.....
XCD is better for an daily commuter - but for the youths they like different as an perfect combination of STYLE , MILEAGE and PERFORMANCE - to do this Job XCD sprint will be available within few months.
The mentioned Combination was there only in Pulsar and now Bajaj is implementing the same in thier 4 holed Sprint.
BAL has also planned for another two more versions of XCD after the release of SPRINT.
So merely there will be more 125cc categoried bikes in INDIA by the end of 2009.
Lets put our Fingures crossed - that this combination will work - as bajaj itself is very much borred with thier pulsars - and they might end with yet another pulsar version and stop its production.
Questionable ..........If you want to see some of the Photos of XCD SPRINT then this URL will help you
But still there is no Official info available from BAL reg the release date and the exact price.