ALL HAIL Mr. Bhansali! He has done it ONCE AGAIN! His detailed characterization of the personality of Peshwa Bajirao as a fierce warrior, a loving husband and father is commendable. Each of the characters have fully done justice to the roles they have portrayed.
Deepika as the Mastaani and Ranveer as the Peshwa have played once in a lifetime role that will be admired by many generations to come. Priyanka as Kashibai has played the innocent, loveable wife of Bajirao, who is totally devoted to the Peshwa. Mr. Bhansali has very delicately portrayed the mindset of an emotionally hurt queen.
In additon to all the wondersul performances, the cinematic experience that audience is promised from the promos and trailers is up to the mark and each frame has to be seen twice in order to applaud the immense hard work put in by the cast and the crew.