Maratha rule during Peshva Bajiraos tenure.Such worrior if he would have been born in other nation, would have been worshipped like National Hero.The great raja chhartapati formed maratha kingdom & maratha kingdoms Prime minister expanded it upto Afaganistan.such great worrior was shown in very poor light as romeo in "bajirao & mastani"Its true that ordinary people think ordinarily.what can we expect from the people from media & film industry who for the sake of money can take of their or their mothers clothes easily.shameless creatures.
It is quite amazing to know how historically incorrect Bajirao Mastani is getting awards; Actually, I am waiting to see a movie where one woman marries two men together and those two men dancing for pinga song and winning all the awards; Best actress, best actor award to the second husband and best supporting actor for the first husband; why women empowerment people dont fight for bigamy films! again hypocrite humans!