Bajirao mastani is more epic and grand than titanic in the scale of romantic failures of the world. But sanjay leela could have at least changed the history inspired script ending of this mega melodrama and let bajirao die respectfully in battlefield than to kill him with psychological post traumatic stress disorder.
Nevertheless history cannot be changed to please me or other romantics/ fanatics of the world.A grand scale, history inspired grand opus by sanjay leela bansali that should be his forte forever. Every actor namely ranbir, deepika, priyanka were at their shining best. A collector movie to be cherished.
One of the greatest romantic melodramas ever made almost on the same scale as Mughle e azam.if not better. Kudos to sanjayleela Bhansali, Ranveer singh, deepika and priyanka mesmerising, and no wonder larger than life movie. Recalls our glorious past where a warrior and brave princess gave every thing to honour the committment made to each.
Other making religion look very small in front of love. Very inspiring I hope todays youth take message out the movie in right sense. India has glorious past, of bravery and valour hope to see biopics on these brave souls in future from Bhansali productions. Loved raveer saying in marathi tone nighaaa! This movie is one of its kind. Every bollywood lovers must watch it. Sanjay Leela Bhansali at his highest this time. A big salute and respect to everyone who made this film possible. When it comes to the acting part I give full marks to everyone. Ranveer proved to be a hero, Deepika exposed her shero in her and Priyanka showed her versatality once more. I enjoyed every second of the film.
Every Indian must watch Bajirao masatani! Each frame was tear to eyes! This movie is breathtaking and a great cinematic experience! This movies is sheer brilliance! An epic film that leaves you wanting for more!
Watch Bajirao Mastani:
If you like Sanjay Bhansali realistic drama, romance.
If you like historical drama with real sets.
If you are curious to know how warrior never lost even single war in his life.
If you want to know how society reacted to inter-religion love story.
If you want to know what mental conditions Kashibai(First wife of Bajirao who was deeply in love with her husband) faced, when her husband falls in love with another women.
If you want to know strength and affection of mastani towards king Bajirao and her struggle to achieve her love.
If you want to know consequences lovers faced in 17th century.
If you prefer colorful magical sets over VFX sets.
If you are fan of Priyanka/Deepika/Ranveer, in short if you love actors who have good acting skills.
If you take critics seriouslY.