My eyes are still giddy from the splendour( camerawork Sudeep Chatterjee) they witnessed - in the lamp-lit incandescence of the 18th century Maratha Empire; the barren, blood-embracing landscapes laid out for battle; the aureate reflections of the Aaina Mahal, the ethereal quality of a Raja Ravi Verma painting seen in Kashis, Bajiraos first wife, backyard. Its all immensely satisfying, even if not adequate for the soul.
Not for one moment does one fail to see the effort thats gone into scaling this fancy-schmancy spectacle. But in its 158 minutes running time, one seldom gets more than a cosmetic glimpse of these incredibly complex personalities, products of a conservative, suffocating time and conditioning, wanting more from life than theyre permitted.
A must watch for all and dont miss it.