This movie is directed by kabir khan and he provides and wants to motivates us to decrease the wrong interpretations between the two nations i.e hindustan- pakistan relations and also wants to give the directions of an indian thinking about pakistan as we seen in the movie how pawan, a devoted follower of Lord Hanuman, take off munni and got success to reach their house and also proof of a muslim baby and a mature hanuman bhaktpawan bhaijan that by mutual sign of love between the munni and pawan who speaks finally pawan asmama i.e paternal uncle.what the very emotional scene of the movie who really take off the full tear of eyes thats love whoever wants to got it.thats great movie .
this can be the best movie which can be say because it releases at the time of war at india pakistan borders and that is th real scenes in this world and by this reel sceane peoles wants to be motivated and dont got involved into the also wants to be motivates us to hindu-muslimbhaichara i.e.brotherhood.