Bakers cottage, located near the police station is very close to my office and is the best place for impromptu celebrations. The place is minute, congenial and hygienic. The staffs are welcoming and cordial. The cakes we injuctively authorized were ambrosial and plausibly priced verbally express. For a kilo it cost us around 800 bucks. I recommend their Irish Coffee Cake.
It is by far the best flavor though there are many others which are additionally very good. I have not endeavored anything from the expeditious pabulum menu. The variety of cakes offered by them is plentiful, you can either book your cake over the phone or go there and decide/choose. We authoritatively mandated some cakes for our family occasions and satiated with their taste and models. Dining only works for some expeditious snacks.
I make sure to come here atleast once in a week!