Okay, so I was in bakliwal tutorials in 2012-14 and to be honest, an average student who couldnt cope up with JEE presure.
So facts cleared and you all can just give excuses that since I didnt crack JEE that I hate Bakliwal.
So here are some facts.
Ask BT office how many students they have and how many actually crack JEE.
One thing you can be certain that however bad you give your entrance exam, youll be selected. Then Mr. Vaibhav Bakliwal will call parents and give his sugar coated speech which will boost your parents dreams of their son/daughter going to IIT.
I dont need to point out how high the fees are. But then I assure you that the classrooms will be jam packed.(Expect 5 students on a bench of 3) ohh and this was at Llyods Chambers.
Theyll collect all the fees within the first few months before the student even realizes that he cant understand or that this is not worth the money.
Next up is that you dont expect personal attention or doubts to be cleared at all. Not the fault of the faculties but the JEE syllabus is soo vast that they have to be in hurry always. Ask a doubt and the faculty will cross question just to prove that you werent paying attention so he can ignore you.
Then they will introduce Champions of chanpions batch(COC) because they know who are going to bring the results that will be printed on their pamphlets.
I really feel bad that I wasted 2 years of my life and my parents money.
One advice is that pls dont blindly follow the JEE crowd and even if you join BT, pls keep an open mind till the time all installments are paid. No harm in dropping out in 3-4 months instead of sitting in the classroom 3-6 hours everyday and not understanding anything.