BGHS is not at all a great school, the teachers of the primary block are very abusive
they dont give your children proper training.and there is where all the basics go wasted.The teachers just blindly promote your kids the weather your kids study well or not is not their problem.
in the middle school block the english teacher becomes the math teacher. kids are just promoted for the sake of the school name.
the teachers are useless for the last 6 years of school.just a few dedicated teachers.
By 8th std u hav to find tutions the teachers are waste. In10std the commerce teacher becomes math teacher
teachers by the time kids reach 9std become useless
They themselves recommend you to go to expensive tuitions for the sake of reputation .
They dont teach manners or discipline just a big bunch of strict teachers.
there are more than 45 students in 1 class and no individual attention is given.
school is only famous for sports 60% attention is given to sports and extra curriculer activities.
this school is very good at partiality
The toilets are always dirty .
The transport system is the worst.The buses always carry double the students it can carry 3 girls in a seat and during exam times it is hell the juniors should sit 5 in a seat.
This school is hungry for money thats why there is one teacher for two different subjects and by the time your kid reaches 10th class forget the ICSE training 95%of the students depend on famous nearby tutions. The teachers are useless for training.
This school shoud be the last on your list if you want your kid to be well educated.