We had our daughter in Baldwin Co-education school rr nagar for pre nursery. The classes are crowded with about 40+ kids The teacher is horrible. She started complaining to us for small things from the first week that she said was very normal for any kid.
We always told that it is not even two-three weeks and the kid will also take time to settle down to their expectations.
Later things went horribly wrong, one day my family member had been to pick up my daughter, the teacher met her and told very proudly that "I put your daughter in corridor and closesthe class room from inside." and she also said very boldly that " she will do it every time if my daughter roams about in class" this was in the third week after the school began.
The family member who went to pick up daughter herself is M.ED and Professor and having more than 35 years teaching experience. She was horrified and called me immediately. I have a list of very silly complaints..that are draconian to blame a pre nursery kid.
Its the worst treatment I have seen happening to a pre nursery kid, we pulled out our daughter the very next day. We complained to school management, but not sure if they even warned the teacher.
This is the state of affairs in such branded school.