Overall the school is the worst school ever. I regret sending my daughter to this school. The teachers are NOT nice to the children at all unless they are Christians. They also reduce the fees of the school ONLY For the Christian girls. Please dont put your daughter to this school. The teachers are the worst.
One incident took place recently, my daughter hadnt done anything and this stupid teacher kept blaming that she passes chits in class simply because some Christian girl had told her that my daughter and her friend did it. I even checked my daughters books and she hadnt written any kind of rubbish that teacher had explained to me. This school has a lot of drama. TOO MUCH BIAS!! It doesnt even deserve one star out of five.
The teachers will treat your daughters so badly if they are Hindus or Muslims. They will make your daughter get suicidal. They will make your daughter regret her school life. Also if your daughter wears the wrong uniform or dont cut your daughters nails they will fine you Rs.20 and in that money I have heard that the pt teacher enjoys her little snack after the school. The pt teacher made my daughter run twice in the hot Sun around 2:00 and my daughter fell Ill as she had gotten a heatstroke.
The school has a bad history. One of the pt teachers killed a girl by making her run soon after she ate because she was late for school an she died :( please dont join your daughter here! Waste of money and time