The show on the TV "Balika Vadu", is an eye opener for all the parents who think that a girl child is a burden and that she should be married and sent to her in-laws as soon as possible.
The day a girl child is born in a rural area the parents are worried about her marriage and dowry.It is a worst thing that happens to a new born who has just stepped into this world and not even opened her eyes yet.
In todays age when govt is giving chance for the girl child to grow and study, then how this cowardly practise is still going on.It should be totally eradicated from the root itself.And any one found doing such act should be penalised severely.Infact each and every girl child should be given proper knowledge about the ill effects of early marriage and its consequences.
Also the parents of every girl child should me made aware of this and should be made to commit that they will not let it happen to them or any near or dear ones.Govt and private bodies can come ahead for the purpose and give such info through the much famous method such as audio/video presentations etc.