Few things in life bring up bile..like say for example raj Thackeray and his vicious campaign, corrupt police officials, pot holed roads, service calls on ones mobile and so on. In that list I add Balika Vadhu the shamefully backward, immoral and regressive serial currently on air on Colors channel.
Okay so today India sent its first spaceship to the moon and these horrendous Wadhwas are making a serial that empathises, propagates, glorifies, child marriage!!!
What is indeed so heartburning is that the Channel heads, the producers Sunjoy and Comall wadhwa ( for gods sake these guys cant spell their names right how can they aspire to make a serial right?? Have together conspired to take India back to the dark ages. I would like to know exactly which India are they referring To? Just where today is a little girl married offf and what is the purpose of making such a serial? We are up to here with reality shows that are exploiting and robbing kids of their innocence by making them overgrown in every way, precocious to an annoy-able extent.
As if that is not bad enough here comes this Producer who thinks he can gain eyeballs and money by treading upon our shameful past and exploring it in every agonisingly ludicrous manner.
One as an indian is supposed to hide and cover ones warts not adorn it and present it to the world and say " Look how abominable we are!!"
But you know what mr Sun- jOy Wadhwa we arent abominable its you who is beacuse you lack any sense of respect for your country. You are in the process of taking us back a hundred years instead of looking forward. It is money minded, unethical professionals like you who are responsible for declining moral values of our country since for you social responsibility is an ALIEN term.
Guys I am angry also because almost 14Reviews ON MOUTH SHUT HAve BEEN WRITTEN EVERY TIME BY A PERSON WHO HAS ONLY ONE REVIEW ( OBVIOUSLY BALIKAS ) TO HIS CREDIT AND HAS GIVEN IT 5 STARS. It was obviously the Producers instruction to do this or perhaps the CO- MALL female is cooing to get mall.and this is her way of doing it...How cheap!!
How can MS allow for this blatant propoganda?? I went and gave a NU to all of them. How dare they misuse MS and make us into gullible fools?? So what are we athe rest of the reviewers who have been here for years worth? Nothing.
Baah...show it to thm guys.. We love India and want to see it progressing not REGRESSING!!
Thanks for having the patience to understand my angst. This is what I expect from my most trusted MS friends.
I want an exemplification of Rajasthani culture and ethos I would read
on it. I would definitely not increase the trp of a serial maker nad a
channel who are using the platform to talk about a tradition which is
almost extinct, bears little or no relevance in todays times and
displays the warts of Indian culture like an honor badge!!
are issues that are crying for attention which are real and disastrous
to our socio economic conditions..infanticide, dowry deaths are REAL
and happening even today. But no this cabal of producers and channel
heads would rather put this balika vadhu in a palace like haveli,
pretend as if it is real, tug at emotional strings and then display it
on national television on prime time.
I dont know what your set
of ethics or love for your country induces you to judge the rightness
or wrongness of the media as a responsible arm of society, of us as
right minded citizens. from where I am looking I would hate to see the
archaic traditions of my country which have almost gone extinct to be
televised, glorified, glamorised to capture eyeballs.
My sense
of patriotism tells me that we as a society are the conscience of our
country and opinion makers. We ought to reject anything that is
regressive and shows our country in a poor light. That to me is
patriotism not a bugle blowing and a band wagon procession taken out
condemning the days of yore.
Look ahead not back..if educated
people talk like you then what hope is there for our country. Lets not
delve in the past. Enough recrimination has been accrued. lets look
For that we ought to feel good about ourselves, about our
country and make others feel the same. Instead what we see in this
serial is an endless tom tomming about our past. Which haveli , where follows this?
Love ya and HATE BALIKA VADHU!!!!