Huh? Ban? What ban? I havent watched ftv for over 2.5 yrs now, I just went and surfed the channels to see if it is still there. Ya, it is. Some model in a clay face walking down a ramp, and cool music in the background. No nudity, atleast not for the 5 seconds that I watched. Ok, so now what is the problem here? Ill tell you my problem. I have a BIG problem when people dictate to other people.
Ok, before I go on and be preachy, let me say something about ftv (lol). First off, I dont care much about fashion. I like to be my own trend and dont like to be preached upon by others as to what is cool and what is not (sense a pattern? ;) ).
Ok, as I said, its been a long time since Ive watched this but I now recall the goodie-goodie times I had with it. Flipping thru the channels, I found some chic chica turning sideways and looking straight into the barrel. I lay down the remote and say * Aloha! Go on, whats this?* and then another comes and aiiiiiiiiieeeeeee! was that a see-through or did I finally get my wish for x-ray(ted) vision granted? And, why is my hand tapping my knee and why is the appendage connected to the knee tapping the ground? Hey, cool musica brotha! Now, Im hooked.
I watch for 10 more minutes and some guy comes up and talks in Francais (?). Now, Im really hooked. Since, when did India go French? And then a bikini show. Things just seem to be getting better and better. I feel sleepy. ~I yawn. But this channel is a turn-on. But then, it might soon be dawn. And, I can always rent some porn. Ah! Life goes on...~
Days pass by, and I find myself going back to this channel again, but this time in broad daylight! Holy Cow on a Barstool! What guts! Ya, I know. I just got me new audio system, so I got some 90-minute blanks and connected the tv in, and downloaded (internet slang - read it as good ole plain old-fashioned recording) some chic music.
But wait, what if sweet mum comes in suddenly from the other room, when her serial gives her a break? I think ahead, yknoe. I put the brightness and contrast to a minimum, turn up the volume, go put some water on my head, wear goggles and grab some 15-days old soda in the fridge and chillax, macha!
So, what did I get from ftv? Nothing but some lame moments of adolescence. Then, why the long rant? Because, I FEEL abt this.
Many other reviewers have pointed this out already. This is not about FTV. The F Word here is not FTV, or F (hehe), it is FREEDOM.
The media or some neighbour have to inform me, you know. I mean, I take it for granted, this freedom deal. I walk down the street with what I like to wear, hell I even walked into college and got into trouble with some professor who doesnt even take a class for me! I talk my head (er...forgive my slang, u read that as speak my mind - Im in a jivey mood today, what it being 3:13 AM and all).
I have freedom to be what I want to be. I have all the darned rights in the world to dress how I want to, thats why theres no frigging dress code... And most of all, I have the freedom to do anything I want, as long as I am not harming anyone else in any way. So, it burns me when I find out that a channel, I had some intimate moments of the night with, is being banned for the sole reason that it dishes out this intimacy to many others like me.
Ok, look, I know I sound like a pervert. Tell, you what; I just realized I could be one. But, thats not the point. The point is, nobody tells me what to watch and what not to watch on my telly. Nobody need babysit me or others and impose their opinions on me. This is my way of life. You dont like it? Dont look.
Others have talked about Khajuraho, Kamasutra, MTV, remix videos, Masala Movies. Cool. But, is sex bad? Why do you need to keep it shoved under your carpet? Why ahoy, do you think it is so harmful, so destructive? And dont rant about children.
Theres a certain thing called a remote-control, that you can keep on top of a ledge, or if you have the tech, child lock systems. If your child can still reach the remote, maybe he is ready for it. Nobody wants to lose innocence. But, doesnt there come a point where ignorance is no longer bliss?
Knowledge never hurts. Or, if that bothers you so much, snip the damn cable wires, but only the ones that lead to your house, not your neighbours! An open mind and an open heart is very rare, I know. Sex neednt be hush-hush blush-gush, but then who am I to tell you that right? Hehe, thats right. Free Will. You decide what you want, and not what others want.
So, just because some strung-up conservative minister didnt like the show, it doesnt mean they have the right to give us a blue screen instead of a blue (er...maybe I shouldnt complete that sentence for my own safety :P ) - what Im saying is what others have already said. Democracy, freedom, and Kamasutra. Life doesnt get better than that and thats what we are promised in our social text books.
You telling me that all that friggin text I by-hearted was hogwash? Now, this calls for a riot!
So, Ill end this heavy monologue now as my insomnia seems to be wearing off. Remember the moral of the story :
FREE WILL, frigging patricks! Even GOD doesnt mess with that!