Loaction :bandhavgarh
transport : many trains from mumbai to katni in mp- duration- around 14 hours
from katni you can get rented transport(sumo or qualis), bandhavgadh is around 100 km from katni
accomodation : many private hotels and lodges in and around bandhavagadh and tala-nearest village or you may try mptdc resorts- white tiger is good, and on the periphery of the forest. We could hear deer calls at night!
Safari information : the safari timings are 5am to 8 am in the morning and 3.30 to 5pm in the evening. Tour jeeps with guides can be arranged in the resort itself which are charged at around 3500 per day,
w ild life: tigers, monkeys, deer, peococks, bears, snakes, wild boars, porcupine, and around 150 types of birds
must carry- dull -earthen colour clother, moquito repellents, sun blocks, camera, good binoculars
in bandhavgadh there is on 8th century fort, and ancient visnhu temple
during safari, you are not allowed to get down of the jeep in the jungle, you may be in the jeep for 2-3 hours so carry lots of water and be prepared.
Local attractions : one museum on forest . Nothing much except some souvenir shops .
Shopping : small government shop on boundary of forest selling postcards and tee shirts
Recommended tours: mars adventure and nature explorer- they are expert and arrangements are very good but i have noticed one thing. Foreigners have higher patience level than Indians..they would wait for 1-2 hours at same place, watch tigers silently, respect him. But one Indian group- from zharkhand was so noisy that it would frighten the animal. These people was also wearing bright colour clothes. Some one should teach forest manners, we are intruders in jungle, we have to respect flora and fauna there..we are no one..then only we can talk of love of animals and so on
Surely bandhavgadh is must visit for all nature lover. Do not go in rainy season, before Sept you wont be able to spot tigers in tall grass.