If you want to ruin your trip there is not a better place in the world than TIGER RANCH....this is a perfect recipe for a disastrous holiday.
Let me begin by giving you a brief description of the jungle suite:
It looks wild and shabby from outside, but hang on .... you aint seen nothing ..wait till you step inside ...cause ladies and gentlemen ... to welcome you in your room there is a variety of Insect families waiting inside, and you will be greeted with a lot of warmth(like it or not). The bed bugs enjoy the majority in the small dingy suite, and they are huge connoisseurs of RED WINE (AKA..BLOOD), they get into action as soon as you park your rear on the bed.
The bed sheets & pillows have a very strong and disgusting smell and sleeping on them is a hard-work, and if you have insect phobic people like my friend Bosky, dont even try..!!
There are no lights or fans (working) in the rooms.
If someone wants to use the toilets, the others must leave the room as the bathroom doors do not qualify to be called doors, also they are simply disgusting.
The hotel staff along with the owner needs a crash course in hospitality.
The food wasnt great either (except chilly chicken) and is served in a not so hygienic environment.
We checked in at 11am and checked out at 3 pm the same day as none of us wanted to endanger health by staying at "Tiger Ranch". If you hate someone very badly, and would like to ruin their holidays, send them here - and you will roll over the floor laughing at your revenge. If you want me to elaborate on my experience, please email me at ajitesh.m@gmail.com