Since last 3 weeks I had been suffering from dengue. my relatives took me to some nearby hospitals costing me around 30 k whith no improvement in my health rather my platelates went from 1 lakh to 50 k! latr my father came and immediately took me to the BAPTIST. hospital and belive me such punctuality and hygenic and better facilities and better doctors. I got cured within 3 days. my real problem was I that I had malaria parasites in my body. the doctor treat me really well within 3 days I was back on my feet and back to home and took his medicines and almost a week latr my blood platelates reached 2lakh. it is rather a bit costly though but hey. health is wealth. a little bit extra money but getting fully cured and staying happy is more important. as my father left he adviced me that anythin happens again just take the membership card and go to Baptist. I give thumbs up to baptist!