I and my niece visit this place and buy stuff which are on discount because I will get a message on my mobile whenever they are having a sale and my niece buys everything from chudidar to leggings here and that too from great brands like neerus nalli silks etc which are otherwise really expensive for people like us, and the quality is also good, I had bought my original levis 511 here after checking the authenticity of the pant like control number levi straus on rivetes and buttons etc.I dont have the bill but I have the original levis tag.here it is and also my lenovo A369i which I had bought in the first floor of central where there is an electronic store called E-Zone where I had even bought an oven from koryo of which I dont have either an image or the invoice or I would have uploaded it.if you visit this place during sale or discount period it will be dead cheap.and parking space is huge, I and my cousin park our bikes there whenever we want to go to inox for a movie or else if it is quick shopping we park it outside next to the building.