My Experience with Bangalore Central has been an extremely frustrating one! My Husband and I visited Bangalore Central at the time when there for an offer of diamond pendant against shopping of 30K offer going on. We shopped for over 30K and since the offer was to extend over a few months we decided to not redeem the points at that time
A few months later we went back and made more purchases deciding to redeem the points we had collected as the offer was coming to an end.
We were told the offer was on but they wereout of diamond pendants. We explained that being out of town it was impossible for us to come back again on short notice to collect the pendant. After nearly an hour of explaining things to different people who called themselvescustomer service they said they would inform us of the availability by phone/email and will try to arrange the same to be delivered. I tried asking for them to give me something in writing but it did not work.
Very tired we decided to give up our claim to the pendant - however I did put in a complaint at one of the computerized kiosks. Needless to say we never heard from Bangalore Central
I still have the card against which we were to redeem points though I think its been 8 months or so since the incident. Thought of sharing this with others out there who might get sucked into anout of stock argument!