This is a statement I would like to make from my mind and heart, The BDA is the best. For that matter Indian Government is the best!
I feel pitty for the people who always complain about the govt. (once I was one amongst them)
I belive government is doing its level best to the changes that are happening so fast...
People must see the efforts the Govt. is putting in in order, just for an instance consider the case of Bangalore city, small place compared to rest of Metro, but very high population density. It means un-maintainable about of rubbish being generated by the people.
For those of us who dont wake up early in the morning, it the BDA people who really clean up the mess the people generate, we sometimes dont even bother to throw the waste just in front of our house, but we want our home to be clean as a crystal.
And most of living in Bangalore city are well educated.... Education it is a funny term in India.... people are educated... means people have possibility to find a job and earn their livelyhood... basic traffic rules... basic concept of keeping city and surrounding clean... understanding other people concerns... I dont even know how much should I point here, does not have anything to do with Education here. It is a pitty.
Well we learn driving, may be we pay bribe and get the license... we break traffic rules may be we bribe again and we manage to get through..... When we make an accident and kill people can we pay bribe to god and bring the dead man alive again.
We bribe to get the things quickly done, that is the best solution at the moment available for working class people, but who are we bribing to, are we selling our souls?
I belive the question is now
not that what Govt. is doing I really belive we must ask ourself what are we doing for ourself?
Are we educated enough to take the responsibility for the mistakes/correctsness that we do?
What do we want out of this country? This country is so great that it has some how provided everything we need love, care, food... for over 1 billion people.
Think for a moment ! we dont need to be saints or somthing but let us try to do somthing that is right.