I went to the centre in the end of my 5th month and I was too close to legal month to abort the fetus .the ratio for down syndrome was high in my case and referred there by a reputed doc from a leading hospital.I too felt frustrated waiting and spent an entire day.but understand guys they r dealing with unborn babies who dont understand our urgency.if the doctor wants to check a particular area and want the baby to turn the baby doesnt so u obviously have to wait.my baby turned only after 2 nd session and after I ate an entire plate of biryani.doctor cant rush as most cases referred to them are with some problem.every parent has multitude of questions to ask them, they show every detail of the fetus to the parents which obviously takes time.hence they r not able to keep up with the time.if the doctors rush their decision can end with a life long trauma for us.Dr vidya was amazing.she counselled us well.thanks to them I have a healthy baby.receptionist who is the one who faces the brunt of all the patients.lets look at the larger goals.only suggetion for expecting mothers please carry some extra food for urself as u will have to wait.working moms take full day off.