Bangalore in SHAMBLES
I am writing this in absolute distress and frustration.
I am proud of my hometown Bangalore-the Garden City and Silicon Valley of India.
But this city is fast losing its tag (respect) lately. I think administration is to be squarely blamed for this. A new Govt was formed 4 months back with the union of so called ? SECULAR? and ?LIKEMINDED? parties, the Congress and Janata Dal.
This Govt is nothing but a bunch of JOKERS sitting at the helm without any agenda for the benefit of the public.
First of all the Govt took two long months to come out with a ?COMMON MINIMUM PROGRAMME?.
I still don?t understand this phrase. When the people have voted with maximum expectations, why should the Govt have a COMMON MINIMUM PROGRAMME? for the public?
Is it the public?s fault to expect MAXIMUM, from their rulers?
If you see today?s condition of roads network in Bangalore, its really pathetic. Even the main and important roads and horribly maintained. The pavements have been dug up most of the time and there is absolute chaos in peak traffic hours.
While the commuter is getting a raw deal for no mistake of his, the CM and his colleagues are very busy settling the scores with their political rivals.
See the UMA BHARATIs issue.
There?s not a single issue where this Govt has not FAILED?
Be it the KANNADA-NON KANNADA Movies issue, be it the improvement of roads and infrastructure etc etc.
Looks like they want to make Bangalore the real SILICON (SAND AND MUD) CITY OF INDIA.
Wake up Dharam, wake up and wake Mr.Deve Gowda also.
People are watching. If u don?t act, people will react.