I was surprised yaar, what are you talking – all bullshit.BMA is a good institution trying its best to offer quality education and beingone among the student fraternity here, I can very well see the good intentionsof the BMA authorities to impart excellent management education and all roundpersonality development to the aspiring students. You must be a frustrated lazyguy who cannot digest facts and think on your own.
Compared to manycontemporary management institutions, BMA is certainly an institution one canvouch for its superiority in terms of teaching, facilities and administration, especially fees prescribed versus facilities offered and teaching imparted. Youidle mind talk about exam fees. But you don’t want to pay attention to yourstudies and try to finish the course, but to loiter around in fun-frolicseating your parents’ money and whiling away the precious time.
Why should yougo for a supplementary exam at all? Excel in your first attempt itself. Try andclear all your papers in your first attempt so that you need’nt think about any supply exam. I am sure, if the supply exam is hiked from Rs 500/- to Rs 1500/-, the objective behind it would be to compel fellows like you to pay the requiredattention to your studies and clear the papers without having to write thesupply exams! The supply fee , I as a student observe, has made many ofus to pay more attention to our studies and pass the exams in the first attemptitself rather than sit for another exam. Arrey yaar, you try to understand yourproblems and weaknesses and improve rather than pointing your fingers at others.Here I am, proud about my alma meter.
A good management institution, wellmanaged, taking care of all the needs of the students and manned byqualified and industry-experienced faculty, is BMA. Supported by the bestinfrastructural facilities and cooperative faculty and staff, theinstitution is poised to leap forward and emerge as one of the most soughtafter management institutions in this part of the country. Fellows like you aresaddists out to spoil the image of others. Before finding fault with others, you better learn your lessons well and reshape your life. Remember the oldsaying ‘a bad workman quarrels with his tools’! And you don’t want to know, whoam I? Your own pal, guess?