As Lord Rony pointed out thereare pluses and minuses of BMA. But, the tone of most of the letters suggestthey are NOT from the students and are from competition. Because, genuinepeople will face it directly. They would meet Ajith or Robert directly andplace their complaints. No body has talked about this.
But, simply if one coward screamsfrom the roof top urging you all not to join then it is only from those who arescared about BMAs growth.
Let me give me an answer to allyour queries:
1) ECU affiliation is on the edge(The soul authority can pull it on any time)
It is tragic joke and may be thewish of the competition. In reality ECU is offering its Bachelors Degree toBMA and has considers BMA in high esteem. Otherwise, The Vice Chancellor of ECUwouldnt have flown down for BMAs Convocation. The Australian Government website clearly states the BMA is the international campus for AustralianEducation. BMA is the only institute to have this feat.
2) laid off air hostesses areFaculties in this academy( they are younger than you.what they ll teach)
Who told you my boy that RetiredAirhostess with corporate experience cannot teach Business? Apart from thisthere is only one. Can you name who is younger than you? By the way how old areyou?
3) After getting passed out fromthis hell u degrade your value(why.ill explain it)
Preconcieved notions are thelocks on the door to wisdom. -Merry Browne.
Why do you degrade yourself?Please do not. For your sake and all those who are investing in this course. Doa similar course at MDIS, Singapore and you will know the difference. It is thesame degree you get in both the institutions. But they charge 2.5 times more.
4) U will have two option leftfor u( cricketer or a small stage model) because Robert likes cricketer andAjit likes modelling.
Finally some good observation!YUP, I do know that BMA has lots of pretty faces around.
5) There is no standard for studentsintake.its like an animal farm
Whatever may be the intakenumbers be, the classrooms will not exceed 50. Which classroom accommodates morethan 50 my Bangalore Boy!
6) Placements.ofcourse.ahousekeeping, delivery boy.if u are lucky then A SALESMAN.
7) Faculties: Yamini replacingpaul krugman.Just imagine
I don’t think Yamini has replacedany body. Look at her credentials: MA, PhD., University of Oklahoma. Over 10years experience in Teaching Economics and Research Methodology and working inManagement Consulting Companies.
Ifyou still have any issue contact the Dean
8) BMA has a tradition ofinflating Australian currencies.which can touch even more than 20000 thanestimated.Details by BMA them
Good news is India Rupee is becomingstronger. So, more dollars per rupee. Why don’t you guys do it directly insteadof going through BMA. You are all mature enough.
9) It started as a B-school andended up as BMA(BANGALORE MOLESTATION ACADEMY)
More than a B-School BMA is aKnowledge City where so many programmes are offered. More courses are in theoffing. Not, just MBA.
My dear friends, placements arenot based on your expectation. They are based on your talents. your knowledgeand personality as a whole.
I do not understand why Indianstudents feel that by getting admitted to an MBA programme, they have “bought”a JOB. Nothing can be more absurd than this. Ask an IIM student why he was notselected in the dream interview he attended. He will not call IIMs by names.All IIM student’s do get jobs but not all of them get “the job” they wanted.Imagine whom we are talking about! The best of the best!
The time you spend at BMA will begreat if you utilize the resources available to you- the faculty, library etc.Build yourself and be focused on the future. Be involved and be a part of BMA.Consider it like you mother and see what a changed you would be.
I still maintain that BMA is agreat institution with some very good people trying to build a quality place.
Abraham Lincoln:
“The best thing about the future isthat it only comes one day at a time”