I remember one story... once upon a time there was a painter who has drawn one painting and he put it on the street and he had written below that “ if you think there should be any changes on this painting please mark that area. I will do the changes”**.
After 2 days he got many comments and marked areas in his painting. After that again he did the changes and again he put the same fresh one on the street. Again he had written the same line on the painting. After 2days again he got so many comments and marked areas. He did the changes and he put the painting again over there. But this time he had written in the down is" PLEASE MARK THE WRONG AREAS AND DO THE CORRECTIONS ALSO". After that he got few comments on his painting but no body had corrected the wrong thing. It shows that the Painter had drawn the perfect picture from the beginning. There was no default area at all.
People who are pointing the finger to the others they don’t know that rest of the 4 fingers are pointing on him. And this is a real fact we have to accept it.
Don’t blame your own college for any thing. It is you who are going to give name and fame to your college, college will not give you this. If you want to blame, blame yourself for every thing because you was the part of that college but you didn’t do anything. We need a platform to run, to walk and that college had provided us. Now, it’s up to us how we are going to use that platform. Because we are having so many competitors and every body wants platform to run, if you will not run they will kick you out from the platform. So, be serious about your future, utilize the time, and utilize the platform. Arise and Shine this will be your motto not anything else.
I hope we all are mature and we can take the right decisions about our life. No body is perfect whether it’s a human being, organization or whatever.
Thanks and Regards