To start with, I am an above average student and joined in this BMA college to do MBA. I will tell you various departments and their working styles.
Marketing team:
The marketing team is its core strength. If you want to know how to market a poor product without any worth then join this institute in marketing department. They will show you the stars and and after coming out you will see the earth( Because no placements and no quality in you).
Mismatch between the promises made and the standards
*Here the lecturers are forced to teach the subjects which they are not interested. Even some lecturers dont know the subject but they will teach you the subject without any understanding. If you inquire few students then you will know the scenario. A Britisher will teach you the Leadership and Change Management which he himself will not understand. He dont have any idea regarding the Indian companies. They will ask you to do projects but the Placement team will not help you to get into the company(Because they hardly have contacts).
The way they select the students seems to be funny. If they dont have enough seats in the college to join then they will say that you are not par with the MBA students and you have to join in PGPP(Post Graduate Preparatory Program) which is again a waste of money and a waste of time. If they have seats then they will take you inside the college even if you are substandard.
Lecturers here wants to earn name and fame by failing as many students as possible. Here if you fail students you will be appreciated. You really dont know what is happening inside the faculties mind. They will give you marks based on their preconcieved notions. I really dont know how people will pass the exam and fail in the exam. For faculty it is like drama but for the students it is mental trauma.
The college is not placing the right teachers at the right place.
Administrative department:
The only problem with this department is that they dont know how to administer the things. They wont give prior notice to the people before implementing a rule. For each and every rule they put will cost huge to the student and his parents.
If you as a student ask the director regarding the food, as you paid Rs 7000 and he will say some bullshit stories of his own experiences. He will try to supress the problem instead of finding the solution by shouting at people.
Their main moto is to earn money by all the means. No empathy.
IT department
This department is responsible for the net connection to the campus and hostel. For hostel you have to forget the net for 10 days i.e 20th of any month to the month end. They will punish you if you use the net more than the limit. except the problem in the hostel reamining things are ok and we can say this department is some what good.
This department is the worst I have ever seen. Two worst people are heading the department. They dont know the difference between a seminar and a demo class. they will change the time table at any point of time. You have to upgrade every minute or hour to check the time table by seeing in the net. But funny part is net wont work at that point of time. Students will miss the class and shortage problems.
no stability in time table. No proper co- ordination between lecturers and academics.
Attitude of the proffessors
They feel that they are the lecturers from IIMs and they are teaching to Slum dogs. They wants the students to be surrounded by them. They will give the marks to the students if you are loyal and joking with sirs.
Placement Department
They cant inform you when a company will come and when they will interview. They will say you when the company name before 1 hour. you dont have much time to prepare for the interview. You end up in loosing the jobs. If at all you are selected you will be getting 12000 -15000 p.m.
They cannot place all the students eventually because the college is giving admissions thrice in a year.
Extra Curricular Activities
You dont have a industrial tour, you dont have a foreign trip, you will have just a outbound training which will be given to by any one in this Bangalore.
You will not be informed about the renowned personalities that are coming to your college and you will be told after you got into there. If your luck is good then you will listen to a seminar of renowned personalities other wise you will end up in demo class.
I put all my views regarding the college and its various departments and their workings. Its you to conclude whether to join or not.