I went to Bangalore Maratahalli PO for renewal through Tatkaal. Reached PO on time, and was directed to Tatkaal queue (but normal queue moved faster). Except this queue in the front desk and extra amount of Rs.1500, there is no advantage of Tatkaal appointment. They have 3 zones - A, B and C.
Zone A - Verify application form, takes fee, scans documents after verifying originals and gives you a file and forward to B.
Zone B - Again checks the originals with the form and copies attached in the file by Zone A and forwards to C.
Zone C - Again checks the originals and gives the final decision.
The worst part is NOT all the officers follow/advise the same set of rules. For eg., I did not have ECNR stamped in my old passport. The lady at the front desk was so harsh and she said "10th marks card original is must. Now, you wont be given ECNR in the new passport. you will have to follow the whole procedure again and apply for ECNR, and get a new ppt.
I went inside, got my verification done in A, my bad, the lady typed in my "place of issue" with a spelling mistake. Got over to Zone B, asked that officer, if I can show my 12th marks card for ECNR. She said only 10th is required and gave ECR. Went to zone C, and asked the oldman what I can do if I dont have 10th marks card for ECNR. He said, I can show my PUC (12th) marks card and asked me to come back on Monday before 3 pm.
I was not informed of the following information and procedure when I go on Monday:
That I should get all the documents again
That the whole procedure right from getting the token to verification in Zone A, B and C will happen again.
I went on Monday, got the token with the securitys assistance, got verification done in Zone A,
In Zone B(after waiting for more than 0.5 hrs), (was a different counter this time), they checked and found some mismatch in the details entered in Zone A, sent again to Zone A for correction.
Finally got my documents verified and ppt granted after 2.5 hrs on my revisit.
Lessons learnt:
Always carry the originals be it first visit or revisit.
Have copies of all the originals that you carry. (because everytime you go out to front desk to take photostats, you will again have to get a token issued for entry and go through Zone A, B and C)
If you get a chance, clarify all your doubts with the officers in Zone C(granting officers), hopefully they give proper information and guidance.
At the exit, check the status of your application. (Many people whom I met, were not informed that their ppt is on hold though its"mentioned in Acknowledgement Pass and we miss to note that after the huge waiting time in PO
Better co-ordination and staff courtesy would help. All the staff should be trained for the same set of rules and procedure.