I had been through the process of renewing my passport which has my old address (its called reissuing in passport office terms which can be done after the expiry or a month before expiry).
I had also applied for a new passport for my wife as her surname and address will also change though she had a valid passport as change of name is like applying a new passport by filling Form 1. The other choice is that you can have the spouse name added and address change request done in her present valid passport by filling Form 2.
Thought I will add up some tips which can help others to avoid some hassles:
1) First seek an appointment online with Regional Passport Office, Bangalore so that you need not wait in long queues.
In case you are applying for your wife/kids new passport or change in old passport you have to take appointments for everyone respectively.
You dont have a choice to choose your date of appointment as the online system generates the appoinment automatically. I know this really is not a good option as you dont have control.
2) The following are the documents that you need to carry
a) 2 sets of photocopies of old passport with first four and last four pages, including ECR/ECNR page which are self attested by yourself; include the page with ECNR details (if any).
In case of wifes new passport or change in name you have to include one extra photocopy of husbands passport attested by husband.
In case of kids new passport you have to include one extra photocopy of husband & wife passports attested by them respectively.
b) 6 Photographs (3.5cmx x 3.5cmx) with light background (3 photos are required as per their site but dont know the officials suddenly ask you to fill an extra form and will ask you to affix the photograph); Do not sign or write anything on front or back of the photograph. I had seen a person there who signed and had to go back for new photographs.
c) Form 1 to be filled for "new passport / reissue of passport / change in name of passport" and can be downloaded from below link: https://passport.gov.in/cpv/Forms.htm
You can download Form 2 also from the above link which takes care of Police Clearance Certificate, Deletion of ECR Stamp, Inclusion of Spouses name and change of address
d) Include atleast 2 address proof documents having new address from the below list and take 2 sets of attested copies each. Take originals with you to passport office as the officials do not bother you much if they see the originals.
Ration card
BSNL Telephone Bill
Electricity Bill
Gas connection letter along with the latest Bill receipt(HP, Indane, Bharat...I am not sure of the rest)
Employer Letter
Election Commission ID card
Bank Statement for last 1 year along with Bank authoritys signature and stamp
The detailed & updated list can be viewed from below link:
Please take the original copy as well to passport office for the below points (e), (f) & (g).
e) 2 sets of attested copies of any one proof of "Date of Birth" from the below list.
Birth certificate
Date of birth certificate from the school last attended by the applicant or any other recognized educational institution
f) 2 sets of attested copies of Degree certificates. Most of us might have got our passports done when we are going to college so Degree is not updated in passport.
g) 2 sets of attested copies of Marriage Certificate if married.
h) Last but the most important part is that the applications are accepted at the counter only till 05:15PM Bangalore time.
3) The passport fee is Rs.1000/- for new/reissue of passport and will take 25-40 days as per passport office which require police verification in case of change of address.
Hope the above info helps and revert in case of any queries.
Disclaimer: Some of the above things might change and please contact RPO, Bangalore office at below address for further clarifications: Government of India, Ministry of External Affairs Regional Passport Office, 80ft Road, 8th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore.