One day, I was getting back home from office. Close to my home, there was a divider which has a gap to reach the other side of the road. I used that gap to reach the Juice Shop which for which I had to drive my bike against the traffic(there was no traffic at all at that time) for 3 or 4 feet away. As I parked my bike infront of the Juice shop, a police constable came to me and asked me to Show my Drivers License. I displayed him dutifully my DL. Then, he asked my to come to the SI(Sub - Inspector) who was sitting on his bike just next to the gap of the Divider. The name of the Sub-Inspector is K.R. LOKESH - AUDUGODI POLICE STATION. I reached him to explain that it was the first time I came against the downstream traffic and I apologized and asked the SI not to penalize me. But he was insistent. He wrote the receipt and handed it over to me.
Since I didnt have enough money(Rs. 300/-) to pay for that, I called my cousin to bring the money.
The story starts from here. Now, ever since the Traffic Constable(Who refused to Reveal His Name) started talking to me in KANNADA which I couldnt understand. So, I asked him to talk in either HINDI or ENGLISH. But, instead of telling me that he doesnt know English or Hindi, he said something to me on hearing which I was shocked. It means as follows which he said in KANNADA.
*"Being in Karnataka, you dont know Kannda. Are you not ashamed of yourself?"
"You?(Abuse starts with "L").! Dont talk much otherwise Ill put some more cases on you and ensure that you are behind the Bars and run around the Courts."
"People Like you only are responsible for Blasts in England and USA. You are Stupid. Telugu nadiyallaa illi.".*
Now, the above statements are said by the Police Constable. I was disappointed with his behaviour and approached the SI(Mr. LOKESH) to notify him of the Constables abusive words. The SI just said
*"Keep your Mouth Shut. Once your cousin comes with money, pay the Fine and Get Lost.!".
I was shocked and literally, I was about the break in to tears with the rudest behaviour of the Cops who happen to be the so-called "Traffic Police**" of Bangalore City.
Now, can anybody tell me from above experience I had with the Bangalore police,
*"What does me breaking traffic rules do with me not knowing KANNADA?"
-** A Victim of Bangalore Traffic Police.